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the revolutionary online course

to break through

your unconscious blocks

& shine your light in the world.


The 8-week online course that blends modern psychology

with ancient yogic wisdom.

are you seeking

the next step in your personal evolution...

but the same patterns keep repeating in your life?

  • money blocks

  • creative blocks

  • attracting the same type of partners

  • relationship conflicts

  • self-doubt & lack of clarity

  • body image issues 

do you get triggered by certain scenarios,

even though you've tried to work on these patterns before?

You read inspiring books, learn new techniques,

meditate & try to manifest...

but it feels like there's some hidden block preventing you from fully stepping into your potential...some key ingredient missing... you take one step forward in your growth &

then you take two steps back...

...and you're discouraged, frustrated, 

& stuck in self-sabotaging cycles that hijack your happiness...

The #1 Missing Ingredient

You Need if You Want to Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs & Unconscious Blocks

and you don't have to travel to the Himalayas,

learn intricate esoteric knowledge,

or sit for years on your therapist's couch...

...You only have to dive inward

& bring your Shadow into the Light.

Anchor 1

What Is the Shadow Self?

Originally coined by Carl Jung, the Shadow

contains the qualities you don’t want to admit

to yourself or anyone else:

any qualities you can’t easily own up to

get shut away in the shadows of your psyche,

where you can’t see them —

but where they wreak the most havoc.

Your Shadow is at the root of the negative patterns

in your life, your limiting beliefs,

& your judgments.


Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will run your life

and you will call it fate.

Carl Jung

In Shadow Integration, you unlearn all of the unhelpful messages ingrained

in you & radically pour gratitude into the parts of yourself

that you've judged, shamed, & avoided for years.

But here's the BIG key:

Your Shadow contains BOTH your struggles AND

your hidden strengths...

your unique genius, your raw talent, your gifts

lie dormant in your Shadow, 

closed off by fear, avoidance, insecurity, & doubt.

For example, your fear of being seen & your fear of failure

may shut down your creative spark, your quirky genius, or your ability

to share your message with the world.



journey to self-mastery

with Melissa Carroll, ERYT500 & Ashley Sweet, LMHC

a powerful 8-week online courseto release your limiting beliefs,

reframe your stories, reclaim your inner power,

& shine your light in the world.

when you sign up for 


you get:

  • 8 dynamic lessons delivered every week that guide you through our proven, time-tested method 

  • 8 LIVE online sessions on Zoom beginning in January 2021 ( you go at your own pace through the course & can rewatch the videos any time)

  • 5 powerful guided meditations 

  • 2 gentle yoga & pranayama videos

  • Lifetime access to all course materials

  • Personal support every step of the way

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee*

Full Course Outline Below

"Taking the Shadow + Light course with Melissa & Ashley has been

nothing short of life changing:

I uncovered a GIANT revelation about my love life within the first hour

of their thoughtful, engaging exercises. They've provided not just theory

but super helpful tools so that I can heal these patterns in my life."

~ Gwendolyn S.

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"SHADOW + LIGHT is liberating beyond words.

I've gained so much insight + acceptance of exactly who I am -- that's given me more confidence in my work + relationships. S + L inspires honesty + compassionate introspection.

"WOW! THANK YOU! I've always had a stressful relationship with money, with spending. I just looked back at my journal from the course and I'm astonished. This year I paid off my car and put lots in savings. I just put it all together because of Shadow Work with your course! 

Lynda S.


Sarah P.

"Melissa has helped me realize that all parts of me deserve respect + love...thank you for making me feel accepted + welcome in your course, + in the world.

The material is so well-thought out + the live sessions are so powerful.

Here's something you might not realize...

we are all addicted to certain emotional patterns.

Do you know a workaholic who’s always stressed about the latest project?


Or maybe that friend who’s always got drama in his relationships?

How about the family member who's mantra is, "things never work out for me"?

They might SAY they don’t like stress, but the TRUTH is they’re addicted to it.

(and what patterns might you be unconsciously addicted to?)

Shadow Work liberates you from your addictive patterns

by recognizing the messages & beliefs that sabotage you.

Through our proven, step-by-step method 

rooted in Ashley Sweet's clinical practice &

Melissa Carroll's decade of leading soulful yoga classes & trainings,  

you can rewrite your stories & reclaim your power.


abundance, loving relationships, and the deep inner knowing

that you are whole….

how it would feel to clear your unconscious blocks

— your stress, self-doubt, scarcity, insecurity, shame & fear —  

so that you can powerfully open up to receiving

Imagine how it would feel to gain those “Ah-ha!” moments

that unlock your old patterns — and finally being able to FREE YOURSELF of those patterns that are holding you back from your true potential…

Imagine how it would feel to trust in the natural flow of your life,

with total embrace for yourself and others

Imagine having a set of revolutionary, practical tools you can actually use

to make peace with your inner critic, release shame and pity,

ignite your creative spark & align with your heart?

registation details

20 Yoga Alliance Credit Hours for YTTs & Yoga Teachers!



course outline


Week 1

  • Discovering Your Shadow

  • 3 Layers of Consciousness & Carl Jung

  • Spiritual Bypassing

  • 2 Ways the Shadow Shows Up

  • Automatic Writing & Journaling Prompts


Week 2

  • The Trap of "Shoulds & Shoudnts"

  • Releasing Limiting Beliefs

  • Tracing Your Patterns: Conditioned Beliefs & their Effects on Your Life

Course Outline

Week 3

  • Embracing Your Whole Self

  • Building Your "Call Upon Me When" Deck of Cards

  • Gentle Yoga Video for Shadow Integration


Week 5

  • Deconstructing Shame

  • Igniting Your Creative Spark

  • ReVisioning Your Shadow Self: Creating a Flash Collage

Week 3

Week 3

  • Love Letters to Your Exiled Self

  • Guided Meditation: Reconnect to Your Pure Essence

  • Nurturing Your Younger Self

Week 4


Week 6

  • Your Creative Genius

  • Gentle Yoga, Pranayama, & Meditation for Shadow Integration


Week 7

  • Integration Collage: ReVisioning Your Whole Self

  • Retelling Your Power Story

  • Reflections Journaling


Week 8

  • The Nature of Your Highest Self: Who Am I?

  • The Yogic View of Self, Attachment, Craving & Avoidance

  • Guided Meditation

PLUS, when you sign up for SHADOW + LIGHT

you get the PRANA Online Course

FREE ($57 Value)

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If you feel exhausted, burnt out, or scattered,

these tried + true energy techniques will help:

  • 5 Yoga + Mudra Practices to Ground Your Energy

  • Yoga Nidra for Sleep

  • Energy Protection Rituals: Cord Cutting, Aura Zip Ups, Home Space Protection & More

  • Pranayama Journeys to Vitalize Your Life Force

  • Beginning Work with Bandhas (energy locks)

  • and more!

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SHADOW + LIGHT 8-Week Course

Pricing Options

course pricing
Image by Vincentiu Solomon

1 time payment


Save $89!

Image by Vincentiu Solomon

5 monthly payments


20% OFF!

your price: $77

20% OFF!

your price: $355

Save $20!

100% Secure Checkout

100% Money-Back Guarantee

*Course must be completed. If once you complete the 8 modules you are dissatisfied with the program we will gladly refund you your money back 100%.

For less than the cost of a weekend getaway, a yoga retreat,

or 1 month of therapy sessions, you receive:

  • 8 Dynamic Online Lessons based on our time-tested, proven practices   

  • 5 Powerful Guided Meditations 

  • Journaling & creative exercises to break through limiting beliefs, shame stories & energy blocks

  • 2 Gentle Yoga & Pranayama Practices to embody your Shadow Integration practices

  • Access to a private Facebook community of like-minded souls 

  • 8 LIVE Zoom group sessions to keep the momentum going while you get to go through the course at your own pace (begins January 2021)

  • Lifetime access to all lessons & materials

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee (if you complete the course & feel as though it didn't meet your needs and help you, we'll gladly refund you fully)

Your Teachers:


Melissa Carroll, MFA, E-RYT500 Yoga Teacher, brings her lighthearted humor, compassion, and decade of experience both as a college creative writing instructor and yoga teacher. Melissa co-leads the Yoga Teacher Training programs at The Lotus Pond Center in Tampa; she's the author of three poetry collections and the editor of Going OM: Real-Life Stories on & off the Yoga Mat.

Ashley Sweet, MA, LMHC, is a community leader for social justice and women’s empowerment. With more than 10 years experience as a researcher, she is grounded in data but stays rooted by honoring the deep wisdom of intuition and spirit. Ashley is a licensed mental health counselor in Florida with more than five years of counseling experience; she helps others practice nonviolent communication, vulnerability, authenticity, boundary setting and self-care.

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Jungian Psychology:

The Collective Unconscious

On the collective level, we are DEEPLY influenced

by the belief systems & experiences of our family lines, culture,

& social groups.

The fascinating science of epigenetics proves how interwoven

we are as a human species...

and how the past is written into our chromosomes.

These unconscious patterns (known in Yoga as samskaras) govern

what we believe, how we behave, & who we think we SHOULD BE. 



This is yet another reason why Shadow Integration is so powerful:

when you de-condition the stories & emotional patterns of your past, you transform your life

& FREE YOURSELF from everything holding you back...

...And by healing yourself, you create powerful energetic shifts that ripple outward.

"The majority of people in the Western world spend the majority of their lives

living by the hormones of stress.


The hormones of stress give the body and brain a rush of energy; it’s like a narcotic.


It becomes a drug, and people become very addicted to the adrenaline

and stress hormones…

…and they use the problems and conditions in their lives to reaffirm their emotional addiction, so they can remember who they think they are…

…if the hormones of stress become like a narcotic and we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone, then we can become addicted to our own thoughts.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza

If this resonates with you, now is the time to join.

Image by Vincentiu Solomon

1 time payment


Image by Vincentiu Solomon

5 monthly payments


20% OFF!

your price: $77

20% OFF!

your price: $355

Got a question about the course?

Please ask away, I'm here to help:

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